G0307 | ἀναβιβάζω | |||||
原文音譯:ana-bibaz'o 對等譯字:UP-have STEPize 文法分類:動詞 出現次數:1 出現經節:太 13:48 和合本譯字及次數 拉上來 字義及字源追溯 (305=上,上來)[(303*=各,每,上,再)+(939=腳步)(901X*=行走)] to cause to go up, haul (305=to go up, ascend)[(303=up*, again)+(939=a pace)(901X=to walk*)] | anabibazo an-ab-ee-bad'-zo from 303 and a derivative of the base of 939;; v AV - draw 1; 1 1) to cause to go up or ascend, to draw up |